Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Book Reading # 50

Chapter 12 & Chapter 13 & Conclusion

In chapter twelve, Hallinan talks about affordances and how this concept can help avoid human errors. One of the main reasons why we cannot prevent making errors is because we blame the incorrect reason. 
In chapter thirteen, he describes how people believe in the "grass looking greener". This can be attributed to us focusing on the very obvious cues and leaving the other ones ignored. One example he gives is the idea of the positive social life people have about California, but in reality many people move out after only a few years of living there. In the conclusion chapter, he summarizes all of the previous chapters and the mistakes he talked about and gives some advice on how to preventing these mistakes.

I liked reading the conclusion chapter because he gives you an insight on how you can prevent mistakes and that is what he tries to emphasize on all his previous chapters. I like to hope for the best of my actions and if something happens along the way I want to learn from that experience to make a better decision in the future.

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