Monday, April 25, 2011

Book Reading # 35

Chapter 1-8

Chapter one talks about the importance of obedience and its impact on social life. Chapter two talks about Milgram's experiments in detail. He describes the shocking procedure and how it would evolve. Chapter three talks about the expected behavior that participants would have in the experiments. The people that participated in the experiment were adults older than college students. The location of the participant would affect the behavior in this experiment. If the participant was in a remote location it would be more likely for him/her to keep going all the way. The authority figure is very important in his experiment therefore he did some permutation in which Milgram changed the roles of the authority and the subject.
This book was an easy read since we had read an overview of the experiment in Openning Skinner's Box. Since it is a very debatable experiment, it was interesting to read more about it. The in class discussion on this experiment from Openning Skinner's Box's chapter was fun to do.

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