Thursday, March 3, 2011

Book Reading #30 - Emotional Design

Chapter 3: Three Levels of Design: Visceral, Behavioral, and Reflective 

This chapter is an extension of what is briefly discussed in chapter 2, the three levels of design. Visceral is the level that contains the emotions that are caused by the design. In the beginning of the chapter it is pointed out that the industry of watter bottle design has become a million dollar industry, and it focuses on the visceral level. The behavioral level contains the actual functionality of the product. The reflective level is the meaning a certain product can have a culture or a person.

Even though this chapter was very similar to the last chapter, I really enjoy reading Norman's books since they are easy readings. I also like them because he gives concise examples such as the water bottle design  becoming a million dollar industry by focusing on providing emotions with its design.

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