Thursday, February 24, 2011

Book Reading #25 - Coming of Age in Samoa

Chapter 8: The Role of the Dance

In this chapter, Mead explains the importance of dance in Samoan culture. This activity seems to be the only one where people of all age groups and gender can participate in. In dancing the children are actually the main focus. The elders sit on the back and watch the children dance. In order to stand out, every child has to dance in a unique way to impress the elders.
This activity reminds me when I use to dance in elementary school in holidays such as mother's day. The same hierarchy existed, the elders sat on the back and every single one of us tried to dance the best to impress the elders. The only difference was that we were all dancing alike. Of course, the elders were always cheering for their own children. I can sense the nervousness the children must have felt.

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