Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Paper Reading #2 - iFeel_IM: Innovative Real-Time Communication System with Rich Emotional and Haptic Channels

Dzmitry Tsetserukou, Mitsuru Ishizuka, Alena Neviarouskaya, Susumu Tachi, Helmut Prendinger.
CHI 2010  Atlanta, GA, USA. April 10–15, 2010.

This paper describes an innovative system for instant messaging which involves emotional feedback. The system is called iFeel_IM and its purpose is to simulate your own feelings. The modules used in this IM are called HaptiHeart, HaptiButterfly, HaptiTemper, and HaptiShiver. These modules intended to simulate physical actions such as hugging a person through vibrations in the modules. This can be accomplished by a belt-like system that wraps around your chest and compresses to simulate a hug.
There is also a virtual world called Second Life where these emotions are conveyed.
Even though IM will continue to grow and adopt new features, I do not see a system like iFeel_IM being successful. I do not necessarily think that feeling a machine hugging can simulate the same feeling of a real person's hug. Furthermore in order to be able to use this IM you would have to purchase all the modules for the "emotions" to work, and honestly I doubt many people would spend that much money for something like that. I can obviously be mistaken but I definitely see instant messaging with video a whole lot more beneficial for long distance communication.

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